Weekly News: our selection of weekly analysis on immigration policies and human rights

Every week, Policy Shift will share a selection of recent articles and publications focused on public policy and innovation. This week's theme deals with immigration policies, migrant rights and refugee programs.
We're listening to the live blog from the Global Refugee Forum: “the second day of a global gathering on refugees kicks off in Geneva, aiming to bolster the global response and foster inclusion.”
Also at the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva this week: The role of the private sector in supporting refugee integrated was discussed, with the presence of more than 100 companies and foundations at the forum. “Private sector pledges US$250 million in refugee assistance: Ikea, The Lego Foundation and Vodafone lead 30 organizations at the Global Refugee Forum promising education, training, jobs, legal services and cash assistance to refugees.”
Volunteer projects in Spain, with the support of Cáritas and the Ellacuría Foundation, work to help refugee families adapt to their new communities and encourage interaction and integration with their neighbors: “The families receive help with getting to language classes and the doctor, doing school runs and getting to know their neighbours. The aim is to give them a sense of community.”
This week, in New York state, a law is passed allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses, offering greater protection against deportation and better integration into all aspects of daily life.
An art installation in Claremont, California takes a stand for human rights by portraying Joseph, Mary and Jesus in cages, to protest against the mistreatment of immigrant children held in detention in the U.S. The article explains, “The installation shows Joseph and Mary, in separate cages, facing a cradled baby Jesus in a cage, with Joseph’s arms outstretched towards him. It was posted to Facebook by the Rev Karen Ristine of the Claremont United Methodist church, and has been shared more than 20,000 times.”