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November Events


Wednesday November 4th
L’après- COP 21 : des négociations internationales à la mobilisation universelle ?

Description: Ifri hosts a debate on issues surrounding climate change and the COP-21’s main subjects.  


Where: 27 rue de la Procession, 75015 Paris


Date and Time: 4/11 at 9 AM

Thursday November 12th
Le rôle de l’électricité pour préparer le monde décarboné de demain

Description: How can the electricity sector contribute to reduce the ecological debt of our societies? What important changes can be made on infrastructure, innovation and consumption habits?


Where: Amphithéâtre Jacques Chapsal, 27, rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris


Date and Time: 12 /11 at 19h15.

Tuesday November 10th
Que peut-on attendre de la COP21?



Description: lunch debate with Marie-Claire Aoun, researcher and director of the Energy Sector at Ifri.


(Upon invitation)


Where: Société Générale - La Défense - Paris


Date and Time: 10/11 at 12h45.

Thursday November 19th
Foreign Policy Analysis: Why does psychology matter?

Description: What is the place of psychology in the analysis of Foreign Policy?


Where: Sciences Po-CERI- 56, rue Jacob 75006 Paris salle des conférences, Bâtiment S


Date and Time: 19/11 at 9h15


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